Skincare Basics

Skincare Basics Part 2: Selecting a Moisturizer

Posted by Lindsay Eberhart

This is the continuation of a series on skincare basics. Start with part 1 CLEANSING, then meet me back here.  As always, My goal is to educate you to get you on the right home care products for your skin so you can get on a path to achieving the skin you want and deserve. Let's continue.  --------------Homecare basics----------------- If you like to skim, we are talking about MOISTURIZING here.  MOISTURIZING- I like the terms, “hydrating” or “hydrators” as many of my clients will attest to, so I often use them interchangeably with “moisturizers” and “creams” when I am coaching...

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Do you want clear, healthy, glowing skin? START HERE: Skincare Basics At Home Part 1

Posted by Lindsay Eberhart

We all want clear, healthy glowing skin, right? Of course we do. It's the number one reason dozens of clients come to see me monthly. Professional treatments are absolutely important to the overall health and appearance of your skin but... achieving the lasting results you crave is a synergistic approach that also includes you skincare home regimen. You wouldn't go to the dentist for a regular cleaning only to come home and never brush or floss, right? (Well, maybe I'm guilty of occasionally skipping flossing but you get the point.) All too often I see people using products that are...

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